The uniqueness and elegance of the form are the main components of the brand BOA. Exotic leather is unique in itself. The ornament, created by nature, is impossible to repeat.

BOA hand-made bags have got a special appeal, a special value, embodying your requirements for elegance and quality. And we are ready to offer something more than just a bag. We are willing to change your idea of the Russian quality.

ALYA collection ALYA: "fat tail", Arabic

"The brightest stars of the equatorial constellation of Serpens form a long chain, in the tail of which there is a marvelous double star white Alia, visible to the naked eye in June "

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Nulla Pambu collection Nulla Pambu: "snake charmer", Sanskrit

"The white and blue star-dwarf Nulla Pambu in the constellation of Serpens is located at a distance of 70 light years away from the Earth"

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TANG collection Tang:Tang: Chinese

"Tan is the second brightest star with its companion in the constellation of Serpens. This orange giant is known for its original Chinese name in honor of the ancient Chinese Tang dynasty. "

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